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Car Rider Procedures

WES Car Rider Procedures


DROP-OFF/PICK-UP PROCEDURES: Parents should utilize the entrance closest to Bow Hunters and bear right around the parking lot. Students should be seated on the passenger side of the vehicle to avoid exiting into traffic. Pull up alongside the curb/sidewalk near the cafeteria. Please follow the school speed limit and signage in this area. Cars within the designated orange cones may permit students to exit via the sidewalk doors. Cars outside the markers should wait to be inside these markers before permitting students to exit.


Students who have been placed on our permanent/regular parent-up list will be provided with a visor tag for their vehicle. This tag needs to be visibly displayed to help our school staff match students to parents and vehicles. Parents should utilize the entrance closest to Bow Hunters and bear right around the parking lot. Pull up alongside the curb/sidewalk near the cafeteria. Cars within the designated orange cones will be loaded first. For the safety of our students we ask that cars remain in line and not pass one another. We need your assistance in keeping our Student Drop-Off area safe and we thank you in advance for your support.